Tag: Books

Fooled by randomness

Fooled by randomness These are my notes for the book “Fooled by Randomness” by Nassim Taleb. The thesis of the book is that when we look at the past we find things that are not there, the past is much more random than our vision. This is called the Hindsight bias. So we have to be aware that when people relate the past usually they tend to create post-hoc rationalizations and retrofitted explanations. Read more...

Ethics for Engineering

These are my reading notes for the book “Ética para ingenieros” by Galo Bilbao Alberdi, Francisco Javier Fuertes Pérez and José Mª Guibert Ucín. The Engineering Profession Different sociological perspectives explore the meaning of professions, from traditional occupations like doctors or lawyers to modern professions requiring university education. The fundamental aspect of a profession is its unique service to society, a vocation that has intensified with modernity through “professionalization.” There are notable concerns about the excesses of this process, such as the obsession with titles rather than service to society, distinguishing between “bad professionalism” and “good professionalism” oriented toward the community. Read more...